
Mental Health and Wellness Tips.

5 Ways You Can Use The New Year to Your Advantage and Reinvent Yourself
Jaroslava Popova Jaroslava Popova

5 Ways You Can Use The New Year to Your Advantage and Reinvent Yourself

All of us have the opportunity to reinvent and start fresh every-single-day; it doesn’t have to be once a year. However, if you’re looking for a great starting point, then the New Year might just be the perfect one. Millions use the New Year as a chance to start anew but something always happens along the way; they run out of steam, and fizzle out, dropping their goals and dreams in the process and feeling miserable as a result.

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Causes of Holiday Anxiety and Highly Effective Steps to Overcome It
Jaroslava Popova Jaroslava Popova

Causes of Holiday Anxiety and Highly Effective Steps to Overcome It

An all loving Santa to eliminate my loneliness and give me a backrub caused by the sheer physical exhaustion related to holiday errands and obligations. Unfortunately Santa won’t be coming and I’m left to deal with anxiety that peaks during the holidays. And I’m not alone. Anxiety is a very common condition before the holidays and affects a lot of people. So what are the causes of anxiety before the holidays? Let’s find out…….

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What is Hygge and How Can It Help with Seasonal Affective Disorder?
Jaroslava Popova Jaroslava Popova

What is Hygge and How Can It Help with Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Seasonal affective disorder isn’t fun, and if we let it, then seasonal depression can leave us beat down, drained, and defeated. It doesn’t have to be this way, and especially if we embrace hygge in our lives. Hygge will help us stay positive, encourage self-love and self-care, and help fight depression and help us build stronger and healthier relationships with others which will keep depression away.

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How To Fix Your Hormones In Order To Improve Your Mood
Jaroslava Popova Jaroslava Popova

How To Fix Your Hormones In Order To Improve Your Mood

Our hormones impact our mood by making us feel balanced and euphoric. But they can also do the opposite and make us feel tired, moody, and angry. When out of balance hormones can make us feel tired and depressed. Luckily, a healthy-diet, exercise, sunshine, sleep, socializing, and music can all support a more balanced hormonal health.

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4 Positives and Negatives in Using Affirmations
Jaroslava Popova Jaroslava Popova

4 Positives and Negatives in Using Affirmations

Have you ever wanted something really, really bad, but for some reason, no matter how hard you tried to get it, you ended up failing. A lot of different factors could be to blame for that and one of those could be not utilizing the right tools. Affirmations can be a powerful tool to manifest the life that you desire, can improve your poor mood, and have the ability to change your state of mind.

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How You May Be Losing Friends And Loved Ones With Toxic Positivity
Jaroslava Popova Jaroslava Popova

How You May Be Losing Friends And Loved Ones With Toxic Positivity

Training our brain to be positive is important and I would say even necessary. However, life is all about balance. And that means that even negative emotions have a place in our life and are often showing us something that we didn’t recognize or weren’t capable of seeing before. So let’s get into why toxic positivity can be a very negative thing and should be avoided.

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What Impact Does Nutrition Have on Mental Health?
Jaroslava Popova Jaroslava Popova

What Impact Does Nutrition Have on Mental Health?

We are what we eat, so be careful when you mindlessly decide to reach for those chips. By filling up your beautiful temple with junk food, you are jeopardizing your body's ability to function at its best and your God given right to feel amazing. Recent studies suggest that there is a big correlation between what we eat and our mental health. Nutrition plays a huge factor in our physical and mental health as the two are connected.

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