How Nature Benefits ADHD and Mental Health

Sometimes when I go to the beach I stop and stare at the sea. I face it, and after some time, begin to feel like there is no distinction between me and the sea, and like we have merged. Doing this makes me feel powerful and infinite. Like the body of water that I am staring at. Feeling powerful makes all of my pity problems evaporate. The sea reminds me that I'm exceptionally strong and that I can handle anything. My worries and anxiety disappear. Nature heals in every way - from the healing sounds sung by the birds to waves crashing against the intimidating rocks. The earth provides healing remedies for all of our senses. There is a reason why essential oils are so popular. Because they are effective and they are found in nature. Every scent in nature provides a certain distinct effect on our nervous and hormonal systems. Like helping us sleep or relax. From lavender to sandalwood to eucalyptus. Sometimes by simply walking, you unconsciously expose yourself to healing smells, sights, and touches. 

The benefits of nature on mental health are vast, and one of them is that getting out into nature eases anxiety and depression. This might be due to physical activity and social contact that comes with being out and about. But also, sunlight: the key ingredient to feeling optimal. 

In this blog post we will discuss nature and how much being outside benefits our mental health. Be it physically, mentally, or emotionally. We just have to be reminded of this every so often and actually want to be helped. I will talk about how being in nature will lessen or eliminate anxiety and depression; how nature walks improve focus and help those suffering from ADHD; and how being outside makes us feel more connected and grounded. 

Let's get into it…….shall we?

Eases Anxiety and Depression

Spending time in nature has been found to help various mental health problems, from anxiety to depression to bipolar disorder. For example, research into ecotherapy (a type of formal treatment which involves doing activities outside in nature) has shown it can help with mild to moderate depression. And I already wrote an article on this but sunlight is an especially effective natural treatment against SAD, a type of seasonal affective disorder that especially affects women and starts taking root in the late fall. Sunshine regulates your melatonin levels, which is a hormone responsible for sleep regulation. Research indicates that an hour of sunlight in the morning, without your sunglasses, will improve your sleep. And better sleep can ease depression and anxiety.  Melatonin also helps lower stress reactivity, which eases anxiety. 

Also, it's not just in your head; there's a scientific reason being in the sunshine improves your mood. Sunshine boosts your body's levels of serotonin, which is a chemical that improves your mood and helps you stay calm and focused.

Improves Focus and Diminishes ADHD

In a national study of children aged 5 to 18 years old, spending time in green settings reduced symptoms of ADHD. This study used more than 400 children who have been affected by ADHD, which is a brain disorder characterized by impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention. 

The study concluded that the kids showed fewer ADHD symptoms after spending time in nature, according to their parents. Symptoms evaluated by the questionnaire included remaining focused on unappealing tasks, completing tasks, listening and following directions, and resisting distractions. "In each of 56 analyses, green outdoor activities received more positive ratings than did activities taking place in other settings," write Kuo and Taylor. 

In fact, colors are powerful and by simply looking at the color green, which is very common in nature, we begin to feel more focused and relaxed. By the way, many companies are very aware of this, so they use colors to manipulate our psychology and make us think or feel a certain way. That's also why I highly recommend getting a plant and placing it on your work desk. Not only will the plant purify the air in the room, but it will also help you focus. 

Makes You Feel More Connected and Grounded

Over 100 different studies have shown that being in nature, living near nature, or viewing paintings or videos of nature can have positive impacts on our brain, thoughts, feelings, social interactions, and thought processes. By viewing nature we also become more positive and our nervous system gets soothed. This in turn helps us become more open, generous, connected, creative, and resilient in life. 

Our sense of self seems to be shifted by viewing stunning nature imagery and taking in the scene outside. Nature diminishes the boundaries between the self and others, which has positive implications for social interactions. Another study was done and it revealed that participants felt less entitled and self-important after simply looking at a beautiful stand of eucalyptus trees.

There is an interesting tool that we can all use and it's called grounding or earthing. Through the act of grounding we tap into the earth's electrical energy directly, and this has a lot of positive benefits for us. From less pain, to a boosted immune system, to greater overall well-being. Walking barefoot in grass or sand, digging your hands deep into soil while gardening, touching a rock, or yes, hugging a tree are just a few of the many grounding techniques that are known to be effective. Researchers have shown that grounding can have various amazing mental health benefits and can be effective for anxiety and panic attacks, depression, and PTSD. 


To recap, nature walks and activities have proven to have tremendous benefits for our mental health. From treating anxiety and depression, to improving focus for those suffering from ADHD, to making us feel more connected and grounded. Nature is there to heal us and to offer guidance and reassurance. But many people have unfortunately lost this powerful connection with nature and are suffering as a result. Now more than ever, we have to remember to get outside and into the natural world, where we belong. Because we benefit greatly by doing so. The artificial is no longer serving us, so why use it? 

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How Else Can Nature Benefit You?

  • Improve your mood

  • Reduce feelings of stress or anger

  • Help you take time out and feel more relaxed

  • Improve your physical health

  • Improve your confidence and self-esteem

  • Help you be more active

  • Help you meet and get to know new people

  • Connect you to your local community

  • Reduce loneliness

  • Help you feel more connected to nature

  • Provide peer support


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